Sunday, 21 April 2013

Life is Love!

Life is Love,

Brother, Sister
Mother, Father
Grandmother, Grandfather
A Family 
Earth's family
All together loving living

Always giving
Forever knowing
Life's Grace!
A smiling face!
A warm embrace!

A nice taste,
Kindness is a virtue
Careful and true
Beneath a sky blue

Rainbows shining
Welcoming the day
Of a new generation
Of kids to play
In the sand
With minds bright
Singing all through the night
Grateful for life's little graces

Music is wonderful
Songs filling the air
However sad we feel
Life begins again
Great things come in small packages
Like babies smiling with joy
Like apples on a tree
Let's give thanks with glee.

Children smiling 
Ladies dancing
Unicorns prancing
Through our hearts
Everlasting happiness
Nirvana reached!
Welcome to paradise!

Blessings to all!

Friday, 5 April 2013

Peace is Love!

Peace is LOVE
By being peaceful we can truly let Our Love flow
Can we really achieve peace on Earth?
The Alpha and the Omega!
All beings are naturally peaceful it is in their hearts!
When we find Our true essence of peace we begin to understand the mindfulness of meditation and find Our path leading to Nirvana before Buddha.
Mindfulness before Buddha comes from the essence of keeping life sacred and holy.
Prayerfulness is everything to living mindfully.
By honouring that We live upon the Earth, a heavenly being and Our paths are lived to be good people before the heavens.
Goodness and virtue is ALL!
The virtues of mankind were created to guide Us through Life and keep us sacred in our actions and reactions to tings!
Life is sacred and it is within Our hearts to keep it so!
With peace, we find love!

The serenity on this face helps Us to find the true meaning of the chant "Om Shanti!"
With Grace we find Our face to the heavens above.
Welcome to the future!
Life is a present!
Learn from the past!
Life's a blast!

Thank you for reading this blog. Please feel free to add your heartfelt comments, I would love to read them!
Om Shanti!