It is a time to just sit and think deeply about how and why, about when and if, about whether and whyfore. All of this will help you take stock of your world and see when and how to move on. By talking deeply with people about things that have been troubling you and everything to do with what is truly bringing you down. Nothing and I mean nothing is gonna change until you get to the bottom of what it truly is that is worrying you.
To make yourself feel better try to get back on top of the basics that you know need doing and help yourself by giving yourself plenty of good relax time. I really feel that life needs some work and the more you put in the more you get out. Let's see where we can take things now we have settled our hearts and minds.
Why people question us at times like this I don't know!! We can't even find the answer ourselves of late so why do these people think I am gonna have an answer for them. It is people who are seen as the "strong one" or the one to take heed , which will always be true but sometimes you just need to be. To enjoy life again, to just have time to look at the sky and gel with what is good about your life. To have a moment to just take it all in and appreciate what life is throwing at you. To sink into that comfort zone and come back smiling.
Thank you to all the people who have appreciated me at times like this and have cared to give me a little breathing room. A little space to breathe is just what you need when the walls are closing in and the flood is beginning to build up. Thank you to my family and friends for letting me just be me. Thank you to my partner for your support and may the time you have put in be worth it. I realise there are no answers that are cut and dried when it comes to life on this planet or any other. What is true is that we all go through it sometimes and when you begin to understand that life is easier to get through when you have people to vibe with and be around that care for you to be you!!
Blessings of peace and abundance the Beltane brings..