Thursday, 11 July 2019

The Golden Gate

As the New Golden Age of Aquarius is now in full swing, let us remember there are still achievements to be made to truly ascend to the Golden World of Energy. Many of the spiritually pure guide folk amongst us have talked of Gates along the way since the Dawning of the Age at the Solar Eclipse of 1999, Aug 11th at 11:11am through to this day and age when 2012 approached. Most important to prepare yourself for this time were the Gateways to Peace and Happiness of 2011, as the year began we celebrated 1/1, 2/2 etc all the way to 11/11 when on the 11/11/11 at 11:11am, an hour in which World Peace has been prayed for and celebrated for many 'a moon across the Earth, Our Mother. At this special Awakening Time the whole New Age Ideals of Co-Creation and the Ascension began to awaken from within us, guided by the Ascended Masters on high and looked upon by the Lord Buddha or the name you give the One God yourself. All of this sacred world evolves still to this day as we are only just beginning to understand wholely speaking just how much we need to awaken to the Truth, the Word, the Sound and the Power of being the humanity and human being we wish to be. The way forward to paradise takes you coming to the fore in life to guide others by steering your own ship home or indeed onto pastures new. Towards this blessed recreation of the Goddess world in life on this planet. The hour is now dawning when She will reemerge form Her Golden Slumbers and shine into a New World of Enlightenment. The Sun Goddess amongst you may well be preparing for the Lammas ahead as it is this coming festival of the culmination of your year's spiritual work at the end of the summer with great celebrations of Music, Song and Dance at the W>O>M>A>D festival. Now in Wiltshire, Britain on their own land but known to travel the World over to different countries all year round. This festival brings together people from all walks of life to join together in celebration of the world of music and dance. Child-friendly and indeed carefully orchestrated parade of children dressed in costumes of their own making to celebrate life on this planet. Welcome One and All. 
As we approach this New Age gladly let us remember all the Ancient Ones who have ensured their wisdom has been passed down carefully from descendant to descendant that  we begin to join together Our hearts,Our minds and hold hands round the Earth to celebrate the joyous nature of life on this planet and journey together to the future of mankind. The troubles of the past are behind us with the change of the Galactic Year 26,000 earth years. From the Kali Yuga to the time of Ganesha and the Goddess' of Ancient Wisdom who share this realm of belief. The Crone has been all powerful during the dark years of Armageddon and many Crone Goddess have emerged to the fore and let us hope have come of Wisdom to begin Our next journey towards a return to the Wisdom of the Ancients. To reach deep inside for Our deepest tribal roots and learn to bring all that knowledge and practice into a unique World of wisdom. It is my belief that all surviving humans in this beautiful Golden Age of Aquarius, have a great truth deep inside their truest heart and good mind to share with all humanity of the Earth below. Those who have passed over and become citizens of the Heavens above remain ever vigil and are able to share with us still to this day through prayer and memories. Good memories I am sure. Let Us be near to Our Ancestors in our thoughts and remember they shine upon us from Heaven each day. Amen