Saturday 11 April 2020

Keeping Temple

One thing I have truly learnt along the way here. That is to create and keep your home alike a temple space. By this I mean to create an altar alike you would find in a temple. I learnt this on a good course being run by the Isle of Avalon foundation called "In the Heart of the Goddess". By dedicating yourself to a life of prayer you will find an altar space a good place to make such dedications and prayers. You can really go to town on beautiful altar pieces such as Goddess art or Icons to the Hindu Gods or Goddess. Really even a few nuts gathered from the hedgerows in a bowl, a candle and some burning dried herbs can be a wonderful dedication to the Earth at Mabon the Harvestime. One thing Wiccans really do care about when it comes to altars are the Four Directions. These are often symbolised by coloured candles but equally something like a bowl of water for water or crystal for earth, perhaps some incense for air and a candle for fire elsewise. Really the most important thing is to make an altar your own perfect world of dedication. What ever you truly feel should be honoured in your space place it on your altar and all is as a guidance to your prayers. Blessings! Most of all have fun with this and make the altar your favourite place to be!!!