Thursday, 12 September 2013

Life is simple!!

My personal belief is much like this quote from Byron Katie! I feel everything in life happens for a reason! We may not understand that reason at first but one day we will have that "Eureka" moment when all makes sense! As we travel life's pathway so we experience many wonderful things happening "For" us. These things happen to teach us a lesson, or put more kindly to teach us something. After all think of one of those fab science lessons where everything goes up in a cloud of smoke, they can be fun!!! Life is all about experience and the more you experience in life the more whole your world will seem. As you adventure around the place so all the pathways open to you appear and you will have more of a choice where to travel. You may choose to stick to the path well trodden or you may choose to go out on a limb aNd travel the long winding path leading to a new world! Whichever your own personal choice life is open to adventure. Keep happy, stay focussed and think carefully about every step you take!

Life is for living, love is for giving and experience brings enjoyment!

As we enjoy our lives, we are enriched! Life can be like a pair of velvet slippers!! Wear them carefully and they will last forever! Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This little teaching of Lord Jesus Christ is a great one! It allows for you to live as you please will respecting others like you respect your own life. If you give great regard to yourself, by that I mean take great care of yourself, so in turn you will care for others. One of my own little teachings, is you can only love another as you love yourself. The crystal Rose Quartz teaches us self-love, which can even go as far as learning to forgive yourself any wrong-doings and helps us to climb those mountains and jump those crevasses that may appear. If we are able to forgive ourselves, it is only then that others are truly able to forgive us! I really believe this and live my life this way! The first thing I ever do if I feel I need to understand something deeeply, is take a quiet moment and think carefully and then when I know the truth about something, I have begun to forgive myself firstly for all and any mis-givings and then I forgive others for the part they played in anything that hurt me. What I have learnt, sometimes the hard way, is to always start with myself, to understand everything is personal. Life is personal! The more personal you make things, the easier life will be. Treat people with kindness and you WILL find life is kind to you! Be young, be free and be happy!

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