Many of us have acknowledged our Chakras within our light body. the rainbow sheath created by the Chakras we know as the Aura. This essential aspect of the being protects our essence and helps us to heal. The healing of colour therapy is one way to energise the Chakras and heal the being, however have you ever thought of sound? Sound therapy is widely used to heal from shamanic drum to mantra. Shamanic drumming can act like a healing tool to the heart of the being and help you to feel the beat of the Earth. By becoming close to the Earth we are able to find healing and grounding. Both of these attributes of shamanic drumming help guide a human back to health. Mantra is an ancient way of energising the being through sound. By chanting a mantra the chakras are cleared and given new light energy that helps heal the being. Light is energy, energy is light! The body,mind and spirit is full of light energy that we call the "light being".
Another interesting thing is each of the Chakras have a particular note to them that can be sounded in song or by an instrument for specific healing. The range of notes are similar to the song in "Sound of Music", that is DOH, RAI, ME, FAR, SO, LA, TI.
DOH is the sound of the Base Chakra and emits a colourful RED energy in the being. When sung as a note the chakra is energised and energy will be emitted that emanates into the being. The stronger you sound the note the stronger the energy emitted. You can heal illness' associated with the Base chakra by sound therapy using the note DOH. It vibrates to the same energy as the Chakra and you will be able to feel this as you sound the note. Try it!!
RAY is the sound of the Sacral Chakra and emits the colour ORANGE when sounded in the being. After all we are LIGHT so as we sound a note our being emits energy and light is created! This wonderful essence to Life is a great quality to study for how to heal the being. As we sing our souls fly and the very essence of the different notes emits light energy to the Aura. The Aura heals us naturally through stimulating the natural healing of the body, mind or spirit. All healing is natural and will be helped to work against disease by energy stimulated through different healing methods either from outside sources such as herbs or crystals or through direct action of chanting mantras or banging drums!
ME is the note of the Solar Plexus Chakra and emanates the colour YELLOW when sounded in the being. This is a wonderful way to help increase the life-force. May the Force be with You! Light filling this Chakra will help to protect the Whole Being as the energy of the Solar Plexus is protective! This is a vital aspect of the energy of the Aura!
FAR is the note of the Heart Chakra and fills the being with the colour GREEN when sounded. The Heart is the centre of the being and the stronger the centre the stronger the whole being. Nature is a powerful sourrce of the colour green and if you wish to fill your mind with the colour then sit meditating in a natural setting.
SO is the note of the Throat Chakra and emanates the colour TURQUOISE blue. To communicate effectively this note will help as a mantra to give strength to the throat chakra.
The more strongly you are able to sound the mantra SO the stronger your chakra will become. UM and AH are funny mantras that often come out when people are trying to communicate. This is actually vital to the health of the throat chakra!
LA a common sound we sing for scales in music is the sound of the mantra for the THIRD Eye Chakra and is the colour INDIGO. It symbolises the mind and helps us with our psychic awareness. By singing the note we intone a vibration to help energise the chakra. Visions, dreams and meditation are all able to be made stronger through working with this note. Vibration from the note sounded will affect specifically the Third Eye and enable an increase to the energy of this Chakra.
The seventh and final note is TI which is linked to the Crown Chakra which is the colour PURPLE. This Chakra is linked to prayer and it is during chanting such as that done in a Buddhist monastery that this Chakra will be energised. Sound is essential to the world of a Buddhist monk, the monks live by chanting and have very powerful Crown Chakras as a result. Anyone who practicises chanting the note TI or any other of the notes here will find the benefits of this exercise to their Chakric energy levels.
Blessings be upon you and please find the time to practice a quick exercise of chanting each note in turn as you see fit. Beginning at the base and working through the Chakras in turn will give you a balanced Aura. May you have fun with this and remember the song from "Sound of Music" to sing all in turn;
Doh a deer a female deer,
Rai a drop of golden sun,
Me a name I call myself
Far a long long way to run
So a needle pulling thread
La a note to follow So
Ti a drink with jam and bread and that brings us back to DOH, RAI, ME, FA, SO,LA,TI,DOH
Blessed Be
With blessings I write, with blessings I share, for all to become aware!! BB