Saturday 8 June 2019


Energy, the vibrance of the world we know
In everything from flower to snow
Light so pure yet sound so too
Can you hear me in you?
Can you hear my vibrations?
Can you rocksteady good vibes today?
How is peace on Earth more to Pray?
Let us give each and every day
A moment's thought to peace for all
A good world!
Let the bells ring out for peace and goodwill
Let us be sure to hear 
Of all we hold so dear
Peace has a sound can you hear it
Try this day to ground and be at one
Listen to the birds
See the leaves dance and hear them sing their happy song
Each leaf a note of purest essence
To the trees pure song of light
What a world's delight!
Wow to Our world
Wow to you 
Wow to the sky so blue
Thanks be to God and Goddess
May we feel blessed!
Thank you for reading
Thank you for believing
Thank you.

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